Friday, 21 September 2012

Snug and Secure

Baby Limo Perth.

+61 (0)407 986 039 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +61 (0)407 986 039 end_of_the_skype_highlighting

It is the most wonderful gift you can give a new mother.

Bring your newborn home in style in one of our luxurious, chauffer driven Royal Daimler limousines.
We pick you, your partner and your new baby(ies) up from the hospital and drive you home.
We also provide a splendid dinner for two for you - no cooking on your first night home.
This is the ultimate in luxury for a new family or a family adding another member.
All new mothers deserve something very special on their first night home.
Our state of the art baby capsules offer maximum safety and comfort for your most precious son or daughter.

Your dinner hamper is mastered by Helen Appleyard, the well known chef and owner of Gourmet Indulgence (Guildford).
Please note we need 24 hours notice for pickups.

1 comment:

  1. This is nice. I like the safe and classy limousine ride back home provided for the mommy and her precious, little baby. It will be great for moms to experience this relaxing privilege especially after struggling upon giving birth. And, come to think of it, wouldn’t it be nice for newborn babies to experience their first limo ride when they are just days old? =)

    Earnestine Novick
